

Welcome to Breil/Brigels


Residents’ services (always in person over the counter)

  • Application for authorisation for foreign national with employment; municipal administration must have received the application including enclosures by the first working day
  • Application for authorisation for foreign national (without employment or self-employed); within 14 days after immigration  
  • Notice of departure, change of address; within 14 days
  • Extension of stay; within 14 days days after the permit expires
  • Certificate of residence
  • Registration of dog ownership etc.

Contact point in the canton for matters relating to integration and migration

Integration information centre
Engadinstrasse 24
7001 Chur
Tel 081 257 26 38

Health insurance is compulsory!

If you travel abroad on holiday, Swiss health insurance may not be cancelled.
Swiss health insurance may only be cancelled on the date on which you relocate and not on which you leave your job.
Find out more from the municipality or from your health insurer.

The municipal authorities must be notified immediately if you or a person in your household has a spouse or child who lives in an EC or EFTA state and is not in employment and do not claim a pension/benefit or unemployment benefit from the country of residence.

German / romansch classes

Faviala, Sprachkurse und Nachhilfe Ilanz

Lia Rumantscha, Glion

Lernforum Sprachen, Nachhilfe Chur

Schule St. Catharina Cazis

Playgroup (early learning for children)

Rudi d'affons
Rita Caduff-Cathomas
Via Tumvi 34
7163 Danis


Canorta Lumpazi
Via dalla Stampa 8
7180 Disentis/Mustér
Telefon: 081 936 40 65

Kinderkrippe Igniv
Via Fontanivas 3
7130 Ilanz
081 936 02 03

Kinderkrippe + Sprache Frühförderung Cazis

Kinderhaus St. Josef Chur Spracherziehung für Kinder Chur

Frühförderung für Kinder Deutschkurs Ilanz

Frühförderung für Kinder Romanischkurs Ilanz


Verdi interkulturelles Dollmetschen in der Ostschweiz

Verdi interkulturelles Dollmetschen in der Ostschweiz_2